= = = = HTML5 Responsive Template = = = = Please use -- http://speckyboy.com/2011/02/22/free-single-page-scrolling-html5-portfolio-template-psds/ = = = = Picture at Top of Right Column = = = = Please use http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp//webdesign2/img/BaDou888.jpg You may adjust the size as necessary. = = = = Placement of Chinese title of Essay = = = = Please see sample here -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/webdesign2/img/Single-scr.png = = = = Essay content = = = = The content of http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/webdesign2/BaDouZi.docx should be placed in this Right Column. The eight pictures should be inserted as necessary. = = = = Remainder of Right Column data in original Template file = = = = In my opinion, the remainder of the original content of the Right Column in http://speckyboy.com/2011/02/22/free-single-page-scrolling-html5-portfolio-template-psds/ may be eliminated. = = = = PSDs = = = = I don't know what PSDs are. Do I really need these? I hope not. I just want a simple webpage. = = = = Left Column = = = = A PORTFOLIO OF JEOFREY MAHUSAY --- replace with --- A REPORT OF ANNIE CHEN HOME WORK ABOUT CONTACT --- replace with --- [Picture -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/webdesign2/img/15-11-07-12-35-26-862_photo.jpg ] This picture may be reduced in size and/or cropped as desired. = = = = ORIGINAL CHINESE LANGUAGE WEBPAGE -- http://goo.gl/myp38o = = = = I have copied all of the needed Chinese language text into this file -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/webdesign2/BaDouZi.docx (and this includes some additional sentences at the end . . . . . . in order to have a smooth ending.) = = = = Picture data = = = = There were originally nine pictures. However, picture #2 of the man with the beard should be removed. Hence there are eight pictures remaining. I have uploaded these to the following subdirectory -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/webdesign2/img/ If you need an additional picture or two (or three) for a header, or for additional page decoration, you may consider -- https://goo.gl/ppyJtK = = = = HTML coding = = = = If you want to see an example of HTML coding which will correctly display traditional Chinese characters, please see -- view-source:http://www.twclarify.com/taiwan99/pages/sov1/index.html That is the source code for this webpage -- http://www.twclarify.com/taiwan99/pages/sov1/index.html Specifically, I believe that in your
statement, you need to insert the following HTML code -- = = = = Last line = = = = This HTML5 Single Page Portfolio was created by WebDesignerAid.com for Speckyboy (This may be changed to -- ) Contact email: farm99852yahoo.com.tw [ Note: This email address should not be made into a LINK ]