FLIPBOOK FILM (1) Show (full screen) http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/taiwan-codeBstars.jpg It would be nice if Mabo could add an attractive ¡§shooting star¡¨ effect on the screen for this opening picture. Show (full screen) http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/unders-solu.jpg Show (full screen) http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/unders-solu-TW.jpg Create background graphic similar to film-strip3PICT.jpg For instructions, see ¡V flipbook-idea.docx Show Chinese translation Use background graphic similar to film-strip3PICT.jpg Overlay http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/TW-code_book_ch.png Show graphic image similar to -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/film-strip3Solving.jpg This may be on screen for two or more seconds. Show graphic image similar to -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/film-strip3SolvingG.jpg This may be on screen for a second or more. Show (Chinese translation) graphic image similar to ¡V http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/film-strip3SolvingG_ch.jpg This may be on screen for a second or more. ( Graphic reference ¡V /design/film-strip3SolvtextG_ch.jpg ) Show /design/old-book-clipart.jpg (overlay on film-strip3PICT.jpg background) But also add book name, and volume number Reference see -- /design/old-book-clipInstructA.png /design/old-book-clipInstructB.png Note: For below, all text and pictures are to be displayed with a background similar to the style of film-strip3PICT.jpg This means that the text and pictures are to be OVERLAYED on a background similar to the style of film-strip3PICT.jpg Let¡¦s return to the tumultuous events of the second half of 1945. PICTURE: https://youtu.be/8xGmkVX0AGs 1:09 to 1:10 followed by https://youtu.be/3wxWNAM8Cso 1:02 to 1:03 and 1:06 to 1:07 followed by https://youtu.be/Tl3_0D2h8BY 0:16 to 0:19 then dissolve into picture of Hiroshima blast https://bit.ly/2HPWdPH The Japanese surrender ceremonies of Oct. 25, 1945, in Taiwan were held on behalf of the Allies. PICTURE: Use surrender ceremony picture -- https://ww2db.com/image.php?image_id=25117 However, the ensuing military occupation is conducted on behalf of the legal occupier. PICTURE: /design/TW-USAbbPic.jpg Notes: I made this graphic by overlaying TW-USAbb.jpg on top of patriotic-bbanner.jpg But I think that patriotic-bbanner.jpg has some watermarks that need to be removed. Which country is the legal occupier? The legal occupier is the "conqueror." PICTURE: I suggest using /design/Raid_8th_AirForce.jpg, and of course displayed in the style of film-strip3PICT.jpg For Taiwan, did the Republic of China military forces conduct attacks against (Japanese) Taiwan in the period of Dec. 1941 through the Fall of 1945? PICTURE: For this picture, please draw two boxes, similar to http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/two-boxes.jpg In the left box, put http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/SovQA-DMV/test1/c-airforce/c-planes.jpg In the right box, put http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/displace/cartoon/graphics/taiwan152jmap.jpg Note: I have tried to design ¡§round corners¡¨ on these two boxes. The white background behind these two boxes should not be shown, only the two boxes and their content. No, the Republic of China military forces did not conduct attacks on (Japanese) Taiwan during this timeframe. PICTURE: Use flimclip of men walking onto airfield, which is center portion of this film -- https://youtu.be/K-J89P7DWe0 at about 3:38 to 3:39. Please remove lettering at bottom of screen. Military attacks against Taiwan during this ¡§WWII in the Pacific¡¨ period were conducted by the United States of America. PICTURE: http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/6-bombing-M.jpg Hence, for Taiwan, the USA is the conqueror, and will be the (principal) occupying power. PICTURE: https://youtu.be/ATkEJtSj4cg 2:07 to 2:08 ( helicopters ) followed by 1:23 to 1:24 ( soldiers ) International law specifies that ¡§Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty.¡¨ PICTURE: For this picture, please draw two boxes, similar to http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/two-boxes.jpg But change border color to brown. In the left box, put http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/ROC-missiles.jpg In the right box, put http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/ROC-tanks.jpg Note: the white background behind these two boxes should not be shown, only the two boxes and their content. The military occupation of Taiwan began on Oct. 25, 1945, with the completion of the surrender ceremonies. There was no ¡§Taiwan Retrocession Day.¡¨ PICTURE: http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/Taiwan-greyOccup.jpg Beginning Oct. 25, 1945, in Taiwan, the legal position of the USA is (principal) occupying power. PICTURE: https://youtu.be/QTJcV3B6iEk 3:06 to 3:10 The Republic of China (ROC) is fulfilling the role of proxy occupying forces. PICTURE: http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/makeamerica/graphics/final/Taiwan-USflag.jpg Military occupation is held under military government. United States Military Government (USMG) jurisdiction over Taiwan began with the surrender of Japanese troops. PICTURE: https://youtu.be/cQmoz-wErqw 0:45 to 0:47 Then dissolve into the topmost USMG graphic on this page -- http://www.taiwandocuments.net/twtravel-ry.htm Under the laws of war, the ROC is serving as ¡§agent¡¨ for conducting the military occupation of Taiwan. The United States has supreme command responsibility. PICTURE: I suggest using /graphics/TW-USAssf.jpg, and of course displayed in the style of film-strip3PICT.jpg The legal occupier is obligated to give the civilian population of Taiwan all needed aid and protection. PICTURE: Use topmost picture on this page -- http://members.tripod.com/msg_fisher/93evac.html Today, an important question is: Has the military occupation of Taiwan ended? PICTURE: Use marching soldiers graphic on this page -- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-2986851/Taiwan-hold-military-parade-marking-WWII-anniversary.html Some people believe that the military occupation of Taiwan ended in 1949, when the ROC moved its central government to the island. PICTURE: Use topmost picture of jeep and tanks here -- https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/708261478871203672/ Other people claim that the military occupation of Taiwan ended in late April 1952, or some months thereafter. Some researchers even point to Article 6(a) of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT). PICTURE: Try to capture best "still shot" of Article 6 at approx. 0:51 in this video -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ID94whyELM However, with the coming into force of the SFPT on April 28, 1952, Taiwan immediately became separated from Japan. Hence, Article 6(a) has no relationship to Taiwan territory whatsoever. NOTES: My original ¡§picture idea¡¨ contained a Japanese flag, a Taiwan, and a rope. But I decided to discard that picture idea. My discarded description is here ¡V https://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/orig-ideaXXX.jpg Here is my BETTER IDEA: Use https://youtu.be/XGDYKQS1KCQ BACKGROUND: http://699pic.com/tupian-500844927.html or something similar Begin film-clip at 0:04 After slight pause, overlay Japanese flag image on right After pause, overlay Taiwan image on left Continue with film-clip up to about 0:10 BACKGROUND NOTES: This is a Cherry blossom background theme, which has a Japanese feeling. (Watermark must be removed.) Similar graphics are here -- https://tinyurl.com/yaxlwkwx Other people point to a date In February 1972, or early 1979, or even sometime in 1996, as the ending date for the military occupation of Taiwan. PICTURE: [ Mabo please supply picture ] How can we reach a consensus on this important issue? PICTURE: Make a picture which is containing three circles, similar to -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/3-circlesA.png In left circle, get a still shot from -- https://www.videoblocks.com/video/video-uplink-conference-meeting-young-asian-chinese-corporate-business-team-smgcc4m and reduce in size to fit into the left circle In middle circle, place this picture ¡V http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/protestors.jpg In right circle, place a portion of this picture -- https://bit.ly/2JEd9OY (Large numbers of students raising hands) [ Remove any watermarks ] Note: the white background in 3-circlesA.png should not be shown, only the three circles and their content. First, we must ask: What are the criteria for the end of military occupation in Taiwan? The answer is straightforward. PICTURE: Use topmost picture on this page -- https://inthesetimes.com/article/19285/its-time-to-put-an-end-to-us-occupation-of-afghanistan [ Two pages of text ] For any territory, when the military government of the (principal) occupying power has ended, the military occupation comes to an end. At this point the territory reaches a final political status. In the history of the world, there are only two possibilities for the end of military occupation -- one is that the territory (area, region, etc.) becomes part of another sovereign and independent state. PICTURE: /graphics/map-of-world.png ( Reduce in size and of course display in the style of film-strip3PICT.jpg ) The other is that the territory itself becomes a sovereign and independent state. PICTURE: Use https://youtu.be/BLNzJWscXEk start about 2:40 and show for three or four seconds, but speed it up somewhat In either one of these instances, the "political status" of the region has indeed been determined. PICTURE: http://kibrisradikal.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/UN.jpg So, we must ask, is Taiwan part of the People¡¦s Republic of China (PRC)? PICTURE: See -- https://youtu.be/UWqVzZnwnOk Take screen shot about 6:45 change "label" in upper left corner to read -- October 1949 to present The PRC claims the ownership of Taiwan based on the successor government principle. PICTURE: Use graphic of UN Resolution 2758 on upper right-side of this page -- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_2758.html But place inside attractive picture frame such as -- https://tw.freeimages.com/premium/square-gold-frame-208127 Note: Everyone is quite familiar with this Resolution of the UN General Assembly. Therefore, in terms of ¡§How long should this image be on screen?¡¨ It is only necessary to allow enough time to read the first few lines of the content of this graphic image. In other words, Chinese officials assert that the ROC obtained sovereignty over Taiwan upon completion of the Oct. 25, 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies. They also make reference to various wartime Declarations or Proclamations. PICTURE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1943_Cairo_Declaration#/media/File:Cairo_conference.jpg Consequently, since the PRC is the successor government to the ROC, the PRC naturally has the sovereignty of Taiwan. (This is the PRC view.) PICTURE: My idea is to use a picture of PRC Chairman Xi, with a silver frame on the right side, and the image of Taiwan inside the frame. See these graphics in this subdirectory -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/design/ silver-frame.jpg Chairman-Xi-TW.jpg TWshade3ss.jpg I tried to put these together as Chairman-Xi-TWframe.jpg, but the Taiwan image has not been inserted yet. Perhaps you can make a more professional image. However, this argument is false. The Oct. 25, 1945, Japanese surrender ceremonies in Taiwan only marked the beginning of the military occupation. PICTURE: http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/Taiwan_mil-occ.jpg International law specifies that ¡§Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty.¡¨ PICTURE: Use left-side topmost picture of military vehicles in street, on this page -- http://chinesemilitaryreview.blogspot.com/2011/10/taiwans-national-day-parade-to-mark.html Therefore, Taiwan does not belong to the PRC. PICTURE: http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/graphics/TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Bimg.jpg Followed by /TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Bimg2.jpg /TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Bimg3.jpg /TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Bimg4.jpg Obviously, the Republic of China exercises a high degree of administrative control over Taiwan. However, in the international community, the ROC/Taiwan is not regarded as a sovereign and independent state. PICTURE: http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/graphics/TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Aimg.jpg Followed by /TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Aimg2.jpg /TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Aimg3.jpg /TW-non/FotoJ-TW3Aimg4.jpg Indeed, Taiwan has never been formally incorporated into the ROC¡¦s national territory. PICTURE: [ Mabo please supply picture ] Therefore, Taiwan does not belong to the ROC. PICTURE: [ Mabo please supply picture ] From this simple analysis we can see that Taiwan is neither part of the PRC, nor part of the ROC. PICTURE: Please use Powell graphic at http://www.azquotes.com/quote/1098563 But remove "AZ Quotes" lettering at bottom Show (full screen) /design/street-protests.jpg Show (full screen) /design/street-protests2.jpg The only possible conclusion is that Taiwan remains as occupied territory in the present day. PICTURE: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/flag_taiwan001_16x9.jpg ( using the style of film-strip3PICT.jpg ) In other words, up to the present time, Taiwan has not reached a final political status. PICTURE: http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/flipbook/fset1/graphics/TW-BRoutline7.jpg ( using the style of film-strip3PICT.jpg ) ( continue using this style with the PICTURES below) This should not be surprising to us. PICTURE: https://commonplacefacts.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/presidents-laugh.jpg Indeed, we often hear that Taiwan¡¦s legal status is ¡§undetermined¡¨ or ¡§unsettled.¡¨ PICTURE: Use "Taiwan plate" picture (with white border) on this page -- http://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/common/mistakes/images/Part1/raw/taiwan-plate.JPG However, for ¡§WWII in the Pacific,¡¨ can a close examination of the post-war treaties give us any additional insights? PICTURE: [ Mabo please supply picture ] Indeed, there is much confusion regarding the content of these treaties. PICTURE: /graphics/ Treaty_of_Peace.jpg Then flip through the pages of the treaty -- [ I found the San Francisco Peace Treaty in this slideshare file -- https://www.slideshare.net/yihsuehtsai/treaty-of-san-francisco ] I think it is possible to "capture" these images as full pages, and then show them on screen. Please begin with page 1. Reference: /design/SFPT-p1.jpg (Please overlay new HEADER on this page 1, as indicated . . . ) = = = = new header = = = = TREATY OF PEACE WITH JAPAN, signed at SAN FRANCISCO, on 8 SEPTEMBER 1951. ENTERED INTO FORCE 28 APRIL 1952 [ aka "SAN FRANCISCO PEACE TREATY" (SFPT) ] Please remove any unneeded markings or scratches on any pages. For example, see -- /design/SFPT-p2.jpg Beginning at page 1, I believe you can quickly flip through these pages, all the way up to the last page. Reference: /design/SFPT-last.jpg Full explanations of all important points would undoubtedly be beneficial. PICTURE: /graphics/five-pres.jpg Then dissolve into https://youtu.be/YxNQK4_VFvY 0:02 to 0:06 (remove original sound) (For background, use /graphics/Oval-Office.jpg) ADDITIONAL Whitehouse PICTURE for ending: https://www.taiwanbasic.com/rec-temp/mabo/AIT-lett/graphics/Whitehouse.jpg = = = = = ADD ADDITIONAL CONTENT = = = = = Most important is to recognize that Taiwan does not belong to the ROC, and the San Francisco Peace Treaty provides no legal basis to recognize the Taiwan people as citizens of the ROC. PICTURE: Accordingly, there is no legal basis for the Taiwan people to be carrying ROC passports or other ROC identification documents. PICTURE: Such conclusions are further confirmed by examining the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three USA-PRC Joint Communiques, and the One China Policy. PICTURE: Since Taiwan became more fully democratized in the 1990s, more and more Taiwan people have made inquiries with US Customs officials regarding this passport issue. PICTURE: Taiwan people have asked: ¡§Why are Republic of China passports accepted by the US Customs officials as valid passports to enter the United States?¡¨ PICTURE: However, these officials consistently reply that the determination of whether a foreign passport (a) is issued by a ¡§competent authority,¡¨ and (b) is a valid passport for completing US Customs procedures, is made by the State Dept. PICTURE: Unfortunately, questions about these issues directed to the State Dept. and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) never obtain any response. PICTURE: The Taiwan Relations Act has a ¡§human rights clause.¡¨ Moreover, the State Dept.¡¦s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor issues annual reports on Human Rights in Taiwan. PICTURE: However, there is no recognition by either the State Dept., AIT, or by Senators and Congresspersons, that having an internationally recognized nationality must be viewed as the basis for preserving human rights protections. PICTURE: Why is this important? PICTURE: The Republic of China nationality is not an internationally recognized nationality. First and foremost, this is due to the fact that the Republic of China is not an internationally recognized country. PICTURE: Additionally, this is due to the fact that the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) did not award Taiwan to China. PICTURE: The SFPT left Taiwan under the jurisdiction of the United States military authorities ¡V USMG. PICTURE: And, let us not forget that under Article 6 of the US Constitution, the SFPT is part of the supreme law of the land. PICTURE: In other words, the SFPT is of equal legal weight to the Constitution. Any Articles in the SFPT carry the same weight as any Articles in the Constitution. PICTURE: Therefore, under US law, the Republic of China governing structure in Taiwan cannot be regarded as legitimate. PICTURE: By accepting the ROC governing structure, constitution, passports, official documentation, regulations and laws of all types, etc. as ¡§legal,¡¨ US officials are, for all intents and purposes, violating the US Constitution. PICTURE: These officials are also in violation of their oaths of office to ¡§support and defend the Constitution, and to bear it true faith and allegiance . . . . . ¡¨ PICTURE: Hence, the real source of Taiwan¡¦s international identity problems in the world today can now be revealed. It is ¡V The failure of US Executive Branch officials to clarify, communicate, and implement all parameters of the true Taiwan ¡V USA relationship, beginning in the late 1940s and continuing up to the present. PICTURE: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ADDITIONAL Taiwan PICTUREs for ending: (I believe these three graphic images should be shown at the very end of the video.) See -- /mabo/flipbook/fset1/graphics/TW-end/ 1. Green background image 2. Green background image with old Taiwan map 3. Green background image with old Taiwan map and overlayed lettering FADE OUT