關鍵句型 1. 軍事佔領不移轉主權。 Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty. 2. 被佔領區域之主權信託於主要佔領權。 The sovereignty of an area under military occupation is held in trust by the principal occupying power. 3. 軍事政府一直持續到有法律效力之替代方案實施為止。 Military government continues until legally supplanted. 4. 對一個領土割讓來說,主要佔領權之軍事政府並非因為和平條約生效而結束,而是此軍事政府會一直持續到有法律效力之替代方案實施為止。 For a territorial cession, the military government of the principal occupying power does not end with the coming into force of the peace treaty, but continues until legally supplanted. 5. 主權獨立國家是一個法人。 A sovereign state is a "juridical person." 6. 美國憲法第五條修正案中之生命、自由、財產與正當法律程序之保障..... The U.S. Constitution's 5th amendment protections of life, liberty, property, and due process of law..... 7. 具有國際法人地位的國家須均在實際上與法律上具備下列要素: (a)永久性人口、(b)確定界限之領土、(c)政府、(d)與其他國家交往的能力。另外,還必須明確地(e)移轉或組成「法人」。 The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications in both de-facto and de-jure aspects: (a) permanent population, (b) defined territory, (c) government, (d) capacity to enter into relations with other states. Additionally, there must be a clear (e) transfer or organization of the "juridical person." ![]() |